How To Use Google Colab For Kaggle Competitions

3 min readJul 24, 2019

A Look into the Clouds:

Photo by Alessandro Erbetta on Unsplash

Let me just tell you at first, to add the code blocks in medium we need to press,

  • Windows: Control + Alt + 6
  • Mac: Command + Option + 6
  • Linux: Control + Alt + 6

Google Colab is a recent tool by Google, released in order to make Deep Learning dedicated computation highly accessible. It is free and continuously developing.

Since I like to work at a time and place of my preference, therefore, I prefer to have all the import things of my life available in cloud. And, I must say, Cloud is the future. That’s the motivation I have behind using different cloud services. Here I am gonna show you how I linked Kaggle with google colab to get access to the competitions and the data. But first, let share with my thoughts (advantages) of using Colab:

Colab provides GPU as well as CPU as your hardware accelerator for absolutely free.

Here you can see how to change your setting for either GPU or CPU:

Colab is not just ideal for improving python skills but also working with Machine learning especially Deep learning becomes a lot more easier.

  • You can run the Github file directly
  • Similar with Kaggle data.

Here are the following steps how to link colab with kaggle datasets and with the competitions:

  1. First, install kaggle using the following command,
!pip install kaggle

2. Store the file in a folder named .kaggle

!mkdir .kaggleimport json
token = {"username":"username","key":"key_id"}
with open('/content/.kaggle/kaggle.json', 'w') as file:
json.dump(token, file)
!cp /content/.kaggle/kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json!kaggle config set -n path -v{/content}!chmod 600 /content/.kaggle/kaggle.json!kaggle datasets list!kaggle datasets list -s boxoffice
! kaggle competitions download -c tmdb-box-office-prediction
403 - Forbidden

You have to accept the terms of the competition in the Rule section (Twist) in order to get access to download the data.

! kaggle competitions download -c tmdb-box-office-prediction -p /content!unzip \*.zipimport pandas as pd
trainset = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
Photo by timJ on Unsplash

